Dr. Severson's Palm Springs Chiropractic, Inc.


Chiropractic is not only effective for back and neck pain, but issues like headaches, shoulder and all extremity pain can be relieved too! Other common treatments include sports injuries, auto accident injuries, and pregnancy care. Dr. William Severson focuses on providing chiropractic care to promote general wellness. At Tahquitz Canyon Chiropractic we work very hard to give you great care 100% of the time!
All doctors are taught that 99% of the diagnosis comes from a great in-take interview! The physical evaluations done after the interview are utilized to support the hypothesis drawn from the information gathered. We do both of these things meticulously so that the best treatment approach can be formulated.
We first need to get to the root of your problem, freeing up the spinal nerve root. The adjustment re-introduces the proper mechanical movement of the spine, reducing the pressure on the spinal nerve. We utilize many different techniques, including very gentle approaches for those the don’t like the “popping” sound approach. All methods of adjustments can help improve range of motion, pressure on the nerve, reduce inflammation and pain!
Care Methods
We utilize many methods to treat our patients. All of them are safe, natural, and non-invasive. Dr. Severson’s Palm Springs Chiropractic focuses on providing acute care to all patients. We believe that short term, healing care is most productive and we want to see our patients living their lives pain free without long term treatment plans.
Our Techniques
Activator Method
A specific diagnostic technique that provides detailed information on what adjustments your body needs for optimal response and pain relief. A gentle low-force instrument is used in this approach. This style is particularly effective for those that do not like or respond the manual “popping” technique.
Diversified Adjusting Technique
More commonly known and utilized by most chiropractors, however, execution is very different amongst practitioners. Manual adjustments by some practitioners are very rough and general, known as “the flying seven.” Dr. Severson takes a very detailed approach to care and is comparatively very gentle.
Drop-piece Table
A specific adjusting technique that utilizes a table the drops away and assists efficacy of the spinal adjustment. This approach is generally more comfortable for the patient then the typical “manual” adjustment.
Precision Adjustor
A machine designed to create an exact, adjustable and reproducible impulse that is very specific to the patients needs. This approach is gentle and can really be effective for difficult cases.
Applied Kinesiology
A very specific diagnostic tool that utilizes muscle testing to determine health issues from structural imbalances to nutritional deficiencies.
Upper Cervical
This technique uses a gentle impulse instrument on the upper two vertebra for quick and painless relief. I utilize applied kinesiology technique for determining the lesion. It has proven to be the quickest, most accurate and effective approach.
ML830 Cold Laser®
A non-thermal laser capable of stimulating deep tissue. The light energy promotes the process of photo-biostimulation. The photochemical reaction in tissue produces an increase in the cellular metabolism rate that expedites cell repair and the stimulation of the immune, lymphatic and vascular systems. The net result is the reduction in pain, inflammation, edema and overall reduction in healing time. This laser was featured on CBS' "The Doctors.”
Cranio-sacral / Reflex Points
A very gentle approach to therapy, rebalancing pulses and energy systems throughout the body.
Other Therapies
Other conjunctive therapies that may be part of treatment include electrical therapy, ultrasound therapy, heat/ice therapy, massage and natural healing supplemental programs.
Activator Method
A specific diagnostic technique that provides detailed information on what adjustments your body needs for optimal response and pain relief. A gentle low-force instrument is used in this approach. This style is particularly effective for those that do not like or respond the manual “popping” technique.
Diversified Adjusting Technique
More commonly known and utilized by most chiropractors, however, execution is very different amongst practitioners. Manual adjustments by some practitioners are very rough and general, known as “the flying seven.” Dr. Severson takes a very detailed approach to care and is comparatively very gentle.
Drop-piece Table
A specific adjusting technique that utilizes a table the drops away and assists efficacy of the spinal adjustment. This approach is generally more comfortable for the patient then the typical “manual” adjustment.
Precision Adjustor
A machine designed to create an exact, adjustable and reproducible impulse that is very specific to the patients needs. This approach is gentle and can really be effective for difficult cases.
Applied Kinesiology
A very specific diagnostic tool that utilizes muscle testing to determine health issues from structural imbalances to nutritional deficiencies.
Upper Cervical
This technique uses a gentle impulse instrument on the upper two vertebra for quick and painless relief. I utilize applied kinesiology technique for determining the lesion. It has proven to be the quickest, most accurate and effective approach.
ML830 Cold Laser®
A non-thermal laser capable of stimulating deep tissue. The light energy promotes the process of photo-biostimulation. The photochemical reaction in tissue produces an increase in the cellular metabolism rate that expedites cell repair and the stimulation of the immune, lymphatic and vascular systems. The net result is the reduction in pain, inflammation, edema and overall reduction in healing time. This laser was featured on CBS' "The Doctors.”
Cranio-sacral / Reflex Points
A very gentle approach to therapy, rebalancing pulses and energy systems throughout the body.
Other Therapies
Other conjunctive therapies that may be part of treatment include electrical therapy, ultrasound therapy, heat/ice therapy, massage and natural healing supplemental programs.
Call us today to find out how we can help you!
(760) 325-4595
1276 N. Palm Canyon Drive Suite 105
Palm Springs, CA 92262